Should AI creators really needs to be questioned??

Hello Everyone

As, We talk about our own world who has fulfilled our needs over time to time so that we living beings can live a much better life.Now Just ask yourself what you have given to them in return, other than money and pain most of the time?

Yes, Today we are the enemy of our environment who created us, nurtured us, gave shelter to us and even helped in maintaining the life cycle.

Life Cycle

We Humans have created limited area for everything & the picture above tells us all. Just think about the time when there were only forests and nothing else and then Animals enters into this Cycle in the very next phase, they started depending on Plants Kingdom and other Animals, reducing the areas of forest to some extent & then comes the most Selfish Kingdom, The Humans & Their Humanity, which reduces most of the Phase Ⅰ & Phase Ⅱ's areas of the other Kingdoms just for the sake of their Selfish Needs.

Now, Here Comes the most interesting Phase i.e. the 4th Phase, The AI Phase which is being created and maintained by us, So in the upcoming next one or two decades, Do you all really think AI would be our enemy also as because, after listening about FACEBOOK AI creating its own language,The DARK WEB still existing and many other concerns, which is an issue of threat & fear in the existing Phases.

Summary:- The One Who creates the other, becomes a threat to the existing One.

Let me know about your thoughts on the topic and if you have any suggestions then please drop it down and don't forget to shareSee you next week.

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