Hello Readers, It's awful to watch the biggest environmental demolition, the world had ever seen in the past before. Among 8.7 million different species we are the only selfish living creature whose hunger never comes to an end while others are thriving without such an endless need. It's all happening right before our eyes and because of us only. Today, the chaos you see is running just to earn for their livelihood and to provide their children with a great future. They don't even know what would be the future look like. Awareness is malleable, it can be shaped by attention and intension. Here is, how much aware we actually are, with our current scenario on our Climate Change. The new study, published in Nature Climate Change, uses the results of a Gallup World Poll in 2007-08 , which collected responses in 119 countries. This is the largest survey ever conducted on climate change, the paper’s authors tell Carbon Brief , representing more than ...